Wednesday, October 29, 2014

SPI's High School Study Abroad Program

Study Abroad Program:


On SPI Study Abroad programs, the traditional classroom takes a back seat to exciting activities around the city, conversations with locals, and weekend journeys to places where history, art, and culture come to life! Globalizing thousands of students’ lives since 1996. 

SPI's Mission: 


In  1996, SPI programs were founded by language educators to provide students an authentic homestay immersion experience coupled with a cross-cultural leadership and community service component.  Students develop global perspectives and leadership skills that give them a competitive advantage in college admissions and future endeavors.

You can find more information at ​

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Youth Salute Announcement

​Youth Salute: 

Corbin High School will be participating in the 1st annual Youth Salute.  The purpose of this program is to honor high school juniors who maintain a high scholastic average and have demonstrated leadership ability.  Students will be photographed and portraits will be on display in area shopping centers and our high school.  The students will also be saluted in the local newspaper,  over local radio stations, and an awards ceremony.  Students will also have the opportunity to attend the National Leadership Workshop to compete for scholarships and other awards. 


-Be a junior with gpa of 3.0

-Have held two leadership roles to which they were chosen by their peers or an adult leader within the past two years in school, religious or community sponsored organizations. 

Interested students should pick up an application in the guidance office and return by November 17.

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Thursday, October 23, 2014

2015 United States Senate Youth Program

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation funds this scholarship program, and the United States Senate endorses it. It is coordinated by the Kentucky Department of Education. Two Kentucky student leaders will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Washington D.C., and a $5,000 college scholarship. Student participation in the national program in Washington, D.C., (scheduled for March 8-15 2015)

Any high school junior or senior student is eligible for the program provided he or she has not previously been a delegate to the program, and is currently serving in an ELECTED capacity in one of the following student government, civic or education organizations: 1. student body president, vice president, secretary or treasurer; 2. class president, vice president, secretary or treasurer' 3. student council representative; 4. student representative to district, regional, or stat-level civic or education organization.

There are two information forms contained in the packet; one to be completed by the counselor or principal, and one to be completed by the student and parents/guardians. Neatness is imperative. Any item that cannot be read will not be scored.

 ***​There is a checklist so stop by the guidance office for all and any information on this program. 

*****Application must be postmarked by November 15th 2015*****

Ashley Hart
Guidance Secretary
Corbin High School
Corbin Independent Schools

University of Kentucky Student Athletic Trainer


Seniors interested in becoming a student athletic trainer at the University of Kentucky:

If you are interested in becoming a student athletic trainer at the University of Kentucky, please fill out the application in the guidance office. Students must have a 2.75 or above GPA. This application needs to be mailed in by February 2nd 2015. They will then select students to come in for a formal interview with the full time staff. You may also contact the Visitor’s Center at (859)-257-3595 for general information regarding the University of Kentucky

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

2 Scholarship Opportunities

1.  The first scholarship is "Aspiring Fashion Professional" Scholarship.  This is a $1,000 scholarship that will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing a fashion degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college.  Interested students can visit this link and find the scholarship located at the bottom of the page and click on it.  
2.  The 2nd Scholarship is the "Aspiring Animation Professional" Scholarship Program. This is the 4th year we are awarding this scholarship for We are offering high school seniors the opportunity to win a $1,000 scholarship.  This will be awarded to students that are interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited post-secondary school or college. We ask that you have interested students visit our website,  to find eligibility information along with the online application. The scholarship will be on the right side of the page and click on it. 
The deadline for both scholarships is June 1, 2015

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Thursday, October 9, 2014

KASBO Scholarship


The Kentucky Association of School business Officials (KASBO) awards one-time scholarships annually to three Kentucky ​high school graduation seniors, who will major in business or education. 

Applicants must submit their completed application, counselor verification form, and two letters or recommendation by December 19th, 2014. Applications and information can be found at the following link: 

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Chu Memorial Scholarship Fund

Students pursuing a career in allied health should apply for the Chu Memorial Scholarship Fund. the fund can provide up to $1,000.00 in financial aid to eligible students. 

In order to qualify, applicants must be from Southern and Eastern Kentucky, be enrolled full-time in an allied health program, have a minimum of 2.5 GPA at the time of application, and have financial need that is unmet by other sources. 

                            The application can be found at: 

For questions, email or call (859) 985-3286

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

University of Cumberlands

University of Cumberlands Preview Day: 

On Saturday October 11th, University of the Cumberlands will be hosting prospective students and their families for Patriot Preview Day. The first session will begin at 10:00 a.m. There will be information sessions on academics, financial aid and the admissions process through-out the morning as well as campus tours and lunch. The day will conclude around 1:30 p.m. There is no charge for the event. Students can call (606) 539-4241 or register online at

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Thursday, October 2, 2014

CRAFT Academy

Morehead State University's Craft Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics is hosting an informational night for our area on October 13.  The Craft Academy is a duall-credit residential high school for academically exceptional Kentucky students similar to the Gatton Academy in Western Kentucky.

What:  Regional Craft Academy  Parent and Student Informational Night

When:  Oct 13, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Where:  The Center for Rural Development on S. Hwy 27 Somerset, KY at stoplight #15.

Refreshments will be served.