Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tri County Elks Scholarship

Tri County Elks Scholarship:

This is a reminder of the Tri-County Elks Scholarship deadline.  Scholarships will be a $250 for a male and female and each of these will move on to the state level for a chance at $5000.  The deadline is December 5th.  All applications must be turned in or mailed to the lodge at:       Tri-County Elks Lodge
207 N. Main Street
Corbin, KY 40701. 
All applications are online and must have a registration number at the top of the application. Nothing has changed since last year. They can get the application by going towww.elks.org/enf/scholars/ .  Then go to MOST VALUABLE STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP. 

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools