Thursday, December 18, 2014

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Scholarships: 

If you are interested in Engineering, Math, CAD, Building Structures, and Roadways? The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet offers two scholarship programs geared toward civil engineering. The scholarships provide money for college, paid summer employment while in school, and full-time employment after college graduation.

The Civil Engineering Scholarship Program:

This is for students interested in pursuing a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at Western Kentucky, University of Louisville, or University of Kentucky. Students can also take classes at other Kentucky state colleges/universities, with approved programs, before transferring to WKU, UofL, or UK. Candidates must have an ACT composite score of 24 and maintain a GPA of 2.5 while in college. College freshmen and sophomores currently receive $5750 a semester to apply towards tuition, books, etc. Juniors and seniors receive $6150 a semester. Students are expected to work for the Cabinet upon graduation for each year they received a stipend. This scholarship can be worth over $47,000


The Civil Engineering Technology Program:

This is for students interested in pursuing an associate’s degree in civil engineering technology at Big Sandy Community and Technical College in Prestonsburg and Blue Grass Community and Technical College in Lexington. (We are currently working on developments to expand this program to Western Kentucky.) Candidates must meet the entrance qualifications for the college and maintain a GPA of 2.5. Students receive $2750 a semester, and are expected to work for the Cabinet upon graduation for each year they received a stipend.

***Deadline to apply is March 1st****

The applications can be found on the website:

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation

Kentucky Farm Bureau Scholarship: 

The Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation will award 86 county and state college scholarships to high school seniors for the current school year. Scholarships may be applied to tuition, housing, books and other educational expenses. Payments will be made directly to the college or university of your choice.

To apply for the scholarships, a student must have either a minimum 3.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or a minimum 23 ACT score. Winners will notified by May 15th 2015

****There are rules and application are in the guidance office. Please stop by and pick one up****

***Application must be postmarked by February 28th****​

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Bezos Scholars Program

​Bezos Scholarship Program @ the Aspen Institute 

Each year, we select 30 HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS from across the US and Africa. Successful candidates are ambitious students who bring energy, excellence and a desire to create positive change in their community. The program kicks off with an all_expenses_paid scholarship to the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, CO (June 27th-July 3rd 2015) for selected students and an educator from his or her school. It is a power-packed week of seminars and informal meetings with global leaders and informal meetings with global leaders, acclaimed thinkers and social entrepreneurs-from  retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor to Twitter co-founder Biz Stone and Columnist David Brooks among many others. In short, it is an incredible experience for both students and educators. 

Apply by February 17th 2015

Attend the Aspen Ideas Festival 

Transform Your Community 

Learn More at​ 

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Spencerian College

Spencerian College

Twice a year we hold a scholarship competition at our school where we give away $1000’s in scholarships! We invite ANY high school senior to RSVP for the event at the link below.

The competition is this Saturday, December 6th at 9am on our campus on Winchester Road in Lexington. We do not release details of the competition to allow each student to have an equal advantage. ​

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Duke University Summer Session

Duke University Summer Session

It’s time to apply for an unforgettable summer, as we invite you to the Duke Summer College for High School Students (grades 10-11) to earn academic credit, or Duke Summer Academy for High School Students (grades 9-12) for personal enrichment. Make friends from all over the globe as you learn in a classroom environment that is intimate enough to gain the individual attention you need to thrive.

The application is available on our website today and we encourage you to apply early as spaces fill quickly!

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools

Monday, December 1, 2014

Commonwealth Honors Academy at Murray State University

Commonwealth Honors Academy

Murray State University

About CHA:

Murray State University is pleased to announce that next summer’s Commonwealth Honors Academy will be held June 6th-June 27th. Last summer, the Academy brought together 94 gifted high school juniors from throughout Murray State’s service region for three weeks in an interdisciplinary living-learning environment. As a reminder, upon the completion of the Academy, students will:

1.     Receive six hours of university studies credit

2.     Have the opportunity to take six additional hours of tuition-free university courses at Murray State University during their senior year.

3.     Be awarded a four-year $2,000 per year housing scholarship to Murray State University.

4.     The only cost is a $195 tuition-processing fee. (fee waived for students receiving free or reduced student lunch, or ACT Free Waiver)

Please help the CHA Leadership Team by notifying juniors who might be qualified for this selective program. In order to qualify for the academy, students must have:

1.     Completed the junior year of high school

2.     A composite ACT of approximately 25 and a 3.5 GPA on the 4.0 scale

3.     Other credentials, such as community involvement, class rank, and teacher recommendations are taken into consideration in the selection process.

Application packets for the Academy can be downloaded from our web site:

The student application deadline is March 1st 2015 (postmarked). Acceptances will be notified in mid-April. ​

Ashley Hart

Guidance Secretary

Corbin High School


Corbin Independent Schools